GED Bound

Marian-CrainMarian Crain is a 68 year old man that is working towards his goal to get a GED. This has been a long time goal and he has just recently begun the process. He read through all the subjects and chose to research an article for a history assignment. He decided to read

Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail. When asked why Marian chose Mr. King’s letter he said, “I understood the job of fighting for civil rights and that people are still fighting. We still have a long way to go. They still sub divide everybody for things we don’t even think about. At times in my life when I was looking for a job I felt discriminated against because of my disability.”

Marian looks forward to seeing how far he can go with getting a GED. He hopes he can get a job, but even if unable to, but gets his GED, he will have more knowledge and feel like a smart person. Marian reminded us that the founder of Wendy’s got his GED at a late age in life and that gives him hope that he can too. The staff at UCP’s Program Without Walls, a community integration program will continue to assist Marian to reach his goal and one day locate a job.